Source code for datto.DataConnections

import os
import pickle
import re
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import psycopg2
import s3fs
from slack_sdk import WebClient

[docs]class S3Connections: """ Interact with S3 """
[docs] def save_to_s3( self, directory_path, object_to_save, object_name, ): """ Pickle and save an object to s3. Creates the folder specified if it does not yet exist. Parameters -------- directory_path: str Starts with bucket name, slash any subdirectories object_to_save: any object with a type that can be pickled object_name: str Returns -------- None """ s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False) filepath = f"{directory_path}/{object_name}.pkl" try: with, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(object_to_save, f) except Exception: # If error, try creating folder s3.mkdir(f"{directory_path}/") with, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(object_to_save, f)
[docs] def load_from_s3(self, directory_path, object_name): """ Load a pickled object from s3. Note: The pickle module is not secure. Only unpickle data you trust/saved yourself. Parameters -------- directory_path: str Starts with bucket name, slash any subdirectories object_name: str Returns -------- saved_object """ s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False) filepath = f"{directory_path}/{object_name}.pkl" saved_object = pickle.load(, mode="rb")) return saved_object
[docs]class SQLConnections: """ Connect with a SQL database """ def __init__(self, dbname=None, host=None, port=None, user=None, password=None): """ Pandas doesn't integrate with Redshift directly. Instead use psycopg2 to connect. Pulls credentials from environment automatically if set. Parameters -------- dbname: str host: str port: str user: str password: str Returns -------- conn: cursor from database connection """ self.SQLDBNAME = dbname if dbname else os.environ.get("RS_DBNAME") self.SQLHOST = host if host else os.environ.get("RS_HOST") self.SQLPORT = port if port else os.environ.get("RS_PORT") self.SQLUSER = user if user else os.environ.get("RS_USER") self.SQLPASSWORD = password if password else os.environ.get("RS_PASSWORD") self.CONN = psycopg2.connect( dbname=self.SQLDBNAME, host=self.SQLHOST, port=self.SQLPORT, user=self.SQLUSER, password=self.SQLPASSWORD, )
[docs] def run_sql_redshift(self, query): """ Pandas doesn't integrate with Redshift directly. Instead use psycopg2 to connect and transform results into a DataFrame manually. Parameters -------- conn: cursor from database connection query: str Returns -------- df: DataFrame """ # Need to commit insert queries self.CONN.set_session(autocommit=True) with self.CONN.cursor() as cursor: # Execute query cursor.execute(query) # Add exceptions for queries that insert data only and don't return dataframes try: # Pull out column names from cursor colnames = [desc[0] for desc in cursor.description] # Fetch the entire query back data = cursor.fetchall() except Exception: pass try: # Transfer data to pandas dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=colnames) return df # For queries that don't return data/write only queries except Exception: pass
[docs]class NotebookConnections: """ Convert between Jupyter notebooks & Python scripts """ def _remove_unused_lines(self, original_version): """ Takes the content of a Jupyter notebook and removes code unneeded to produce final results. Parameters -------- original_version: str Returns -------- filtered_file: str """ filtered_file = "" # Remove all the Jupyter notebook cell syntax for line in re.split("# In\[[0-9 ]*]:|# #", original_version): cleaned_line = line.replace("\n\n\n", "\n").strip() # If a cell contains multiple lines, but doesn't have any lines other than # code like comments or print statements if ( "\n" in cleaned_line and len( [ x for x in cleaned_line.split("\n") if x.strip() != "" and x.strip()[0] != "#" and x.strip()[:6] != "print(" and x.strip()[:4] != "for " and x.strip() != "try:" and x.strip()[:6] != "except" ] ) == 0 ): print(f"Line skipped: {cleaned_line}") # Always include certain cells, such as those defining funcs elif ( "def(" in cleaned_line or "\n" in cleaned_line or "inplace=True" in cleaned_line or "inplace = True" in cleaned_line or ("=" in cleaned_line.split("(")[0] and "(" in cleaned_line) or ("=" in cleaned_line and "(" not in cleaned_line) ): filtered_file += line.replace("\n\n\n", "\n") # Skip lines with common methods that aren't called with ``=`` assignment elif ( cleaned_line == "" or "!pip install" in cleaned_line or cleaned_line == "#!/usr/bin/env python" or cleaned_line == "# coding: utf-8" or (cleaned_line[0] == "#") or ".head(" in cleaned_line or ".shape" in cleaned_line or "print(" in cleaned_line or "display(" in cleaned_line or ".apply" in cleaned_line or ".describe(" in cleaned_line or ".hist(" in cleaned_line or ".bar(" in cleaned_line or ".plot(" in cleaned_line or ".box(" in cleaned_line or ".area(" in cleaned_line or ".scatter(" in cleaned_line or ".kde(" in cleaned_line or ".loc" in cleaned_line or ".iloc" in cleaned_line or ".max(" in cleaned_line or ".min(" in cleaned_line or ".sum(" in cleaned_line or ".median(" in cleaned_line or ".info" in cleaned_line or "len(" in cleaned_line or "sns." in cleaned_line or (len(cleaned_line.split("\n")) == 1 and "(" not in cleaned_line) or (cleaned_line[0] == "[" and cleaned_line[-1] == "]") ): print(f"Line skipped: {cleaned_line}") else: filtered_file += line.replace("\n\n\n", "\n") return filtered_file
[docs] def save_as_script(self, file_path): """ Opens a Jupyter notebook file, cleans it, and saves as a Python script. Parameters -------- file_path: str """ os.system(f"jupyter nbconvert --to script {file_path}") script_file_path = file_path.replace(".ipynb", ".py") original_version = open(script_file_path).read() filtered_version = self._remove_unused_lines(original_version) with open(script_file_path, "w") as fh: fh.write(filtered_version) # Before saving as script, format and sort imports os.system(f"python -m black {script_file_path}") os.system(f"python -m isort {script_file_path}") print(f"Created Python script: {script_file_path}")
[docs] def save_as_notebook(self, file_path): """ Opens a Python script and saves as a Jupyter notebook. Parameters -------- file_path: str """ file_text = open(f"{file_path}").read() texts = [] # Add cell definition for each new line group i = 1 for text in file_text.split("\n\n#"): if i == 1: texts.append("\n# In[{}]: \n".format(str(i)) + text + "\n") i += 1 elif text != "": texts.append("\n# In[{}]: \n#".format(str(i)) + text + "\n") i += 1 temp_notebook_script = file_path.replace(".py", "") # First clean the text, then make a temp second script file with open(temp_notebook_script, "w") as fh: fh.write("".join(texts)) # Convert temp cleaned script to notebook os.system(f"jupytext --to notebook {temp_notebook_script}") starting_notebook_name = temp_notebook_script.replace(".py", ".ipynb") updated_notebook_name = starting_notebook_name.replace("_notebook", "") # Clean up generated notebook name os.system(f"mv {starting_notebook_name} {updated_notebook_name}") # Remove temp intermediate script os.system(f"rm {temp_notebook_script}") print(f"Created Jupyter notebook: {updated_notebook_name}")
[docs]class SlackConnections: """ Retrieve Slack messages """ def __init__(self, slack_api_token=None): if not slack_api_token: slack_api_token = os.environ.get("SLACK_API_TOKEN") if not slack_api_token: return """ No API key found. Follow these instructions to create one: Then, either include as an argument or add as an environmental variable. """ try: client = WebClient(token=slack_api_token) except Exception: return """ Invalid API key or permissions. """ self.client = client def _get_messages( self, time_filter, channel, remove_bot_messages, excluded_user_ids ): if remove_bot_messages: bot_filter = None else: bot_filter = "Include bots" response = self.client.conversations_history( channel=channel, scope="channels:history", latest=time_filter, ) dict_data = messages_list = [ re.sub( # Remove channel names " -[A-Za-z0-9]*", " ", re.sub( # Remove subteams "!subteam\^[A-Za-z0-9]*", " ", re.sub( # Removes channel numbers, links, emojis, usernames "#[a-zA-Z-_]*|@[a-zA-Z]*|([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+)@([1-9a-zA-Z\.-]+)\.([a-zA-Z\.]{2,6})|<#[A-Z0-9 ]*\||:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*:|<@[A-Z0-9]*>|(https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[^\s]{2,})", " ", str(x["text"]).replace("|", " | "), ), ), ) .replace("\n", " ") .replace("<", " ") .replace(">", " ") .replace("|", " ") .encode("ascii", "ignore") .decode() .strip() for x in dict_data["messages"] if x.get("client_msg_id") is not bot_filter and x.get("user") not in excluded_user_ids ] try: time_filter = min([x["ts"] for x in dict_data["messages"]]) except Exception: return messages_list, time_filter return messages_list, time_filter
[docs] def get_messages( self, channels, remove_bot_messages=True, excluded_user_ids=[], messages_limit=np.inf, ): """ Get messages from a given Slack channel(s) Parameters -------- channels: list remove_bot_messages: bool excluded_user_ids: list messages_limit: int Default is to fetch all messages Returns -------- df: DataFrame """ if not isinstance(channels, list): channels = [channels] all_messages = [] for channel in channels: try: # First get latest messages and min timestamp messages_list, time_filter = self._get_messages( "", channel, remove_bot_messages, excluded_user_ids ) except Exception: return f""" Invalid API call. Make sure you have the right channel id, that your token includes the `channels:history` scope, and the bot has been added to the {channel} channel (by posting `@{{YOUR_BOTS_NAME}}` in the channel). """ all_messages.extend(messages_list) # Then iterate until no more messages while channels: try: messages_list, time_filter = self._get_messages( time_filter, channel, remove_bot_messages, excluded_user_ids ) except Exception: # Pausing for rate limits per minute time.sleep(65) messages_list, time_filter = self._get_messages( time_filter, channel, remove_bot_messages, excluded_user_ids ) # Break when there aren't any more messages to fetch if messages_list == []: break all_messages.extend(messages_list) if len(all_messages) >= messages_limit: df = pd.DataFrame(all_messages, columns=["messages"]) df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) return df.head(messages_limit) df = pd.DataFrame(all_messages, columns=["messages"]) df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) return df