Source code for datto.ModelResults

import csv
import datetime
import os
import random
import re
import string
import warnings
from html import unescape

import graphviz
import lime
import lime.lime_tabular
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shap
import spacy
import statsmodels.api as sm
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary
from gensim.models import CoherenceModel, nmf
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from sklearn import set_config
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import (
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
from sklearn.metrics import (
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz
from spacy.cli import download
from tabulate import tabulate

from datto.CleanDataframe import CleanDataframe
from datto.utils import *

# Hide precision/recall/f1 warnings for model scorings

    nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
except Exception:
    nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

[docs]class ModelResults: """ Evaluate model performance & explore output """ def _jaccard_similarity(self, topic_1, topic_2): """ Derives the Jaccard similarity of two topics Jaccard similarity: - A statistic used for comparing the similarity and diversity of sample sets - J(A,B) = (A ∩ B)/(A ∪ B) - Goal is low Jaccard scores for coverage of the diverse elements Parameters -------- topic_1: list topic_2: list Returns -------- score: float """ intersection = set(topic_1).intersection(set(topic_2)) union = set(topic_1).union(set(topic_2)) score = float(len(intersection)) / float(len(union)) return score
[docs] def most_similar_texts( self, X, text_column_name, chosen_num_topics=None, chosen_stopwords=set(), exclude_numbers=False, exclude_times=False, exclude_months=False, exclude_weekdays=False, exclude_greetings_goodbyes=False, exclude_adverbs=False, num_examples=15, min_df=3, max_df=0.1, min_ngrams=1, max_ngrams=3, ): """ Uses NMF clustering to create n topics based on adjusted word frequencies Parameters -------- X: DataFrame num_examples: int text_column_name: str chosen_num_topics: int Optional - if none algorithm will determine best number chosen_stopwords: set Option to add in your own unique stopwords exclude_numbers: bool Adding numbers 0-3000 (with & without commas) as additional stopwords exclude_times: bool Adding times as additional stopwords (e.g. `8:00`) exclude_months: bool Adding month names as additional stopwords exclude_weekdays: bool Adding weekday names as additional stopwords exclude_greetings_goodbyes: bool Adding common greetings & goodbyes as additional stopwords (e.g. `hello`) exclude_adverbs: bool Adding common adverbs as additional stopwords (e.g. `especially`) min_df: float Minimum number/proportion of docs that need to have the words max_df: float Maximum number/proportion of docs that can have the words min_ngrams: int Minimum number of words needed in phrases found max_ngrams: int Maximum number of words in phrases found Returns -------- all_topics: DataFrame Top n words/phrases per topic original_with_keywords: DataFrame Original text with topic number assigned to each model: NMF model """ X = X[~X[text_column_name].isna()] X = X[X[text_column_name] != ""] X = X[X[text_column_name] != " "] # Remove HTML & unicode characters X[text_column_name] = X[text_column_name].apply( lambda x: unescape(x) .encode("ascii", errors="ignore") .decode("ascii") .replace(" ", " ") .replace(" ", " ") .replace(" ", " ") .strip() ) with_stopword_params = chosen_stopwords if exclude_numbers: with_stopword_params = with_stopword_params | numbers if exclude_times: with_stopword_params = with_stopword_params | times if exclude_months: with_stopword_params = with_stopword_params | months if exclude_weekdays: with_stopword_params = with_stopword_params | weekdays if exclude_greetings_goodbyes: with_stopword_params = with_stopword_params | greetings_goodbyes if exclude_adverbs: with_stopword_params = with_stopword_params | adverbs all_stop_words = ( # Combine stopwords from all the packages set(ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) | set(stopwords.words("english")) | nlp.Defaults.stop_words | set(string.punctuation) | set(string.ascii_lowercase) | set( [ "-PRON-", " ", "i.e", "e.g.", "-", "--", "---", "----", "..", "...", "....", "w/", "^^", "^^^", "^^^^", "’", "~~", "~~~", "~~~~", "and/or", ] ) | set(with_stopword_params) ) ct = CleanDataframe() vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer( tokenizer=ct.lematize, ngram_range=(min_ngrams, max_ngrams), stop_words=all_stop_words, min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df, ) vectors = vectorizer.fit_transform(X[text_column_name]).todense() # Adding words/phrases used in text data frequencies back into the dataset (so we can see feature importances later) vocab = list(vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()) vector_df = pd.DataFrame(vectors, columns=vocab, index=X.index) if not chosen_num_topics: # Inspired by: if X.shape[0] <= 5: return "Too few examples to categorize." elif X.shape[0] <= 75: topic_nums = list(np.arange(5, X.shape[0], 5)) else: topic_nums = list(np.arange(5, 75 + 1, 5)) texts = X[text_column_name].apply(ct.lematize) # In gensim a dictionary is a mapping between words and their integer id dictionary = Dictionary(texts) # Filter out extremes to limit the number of features dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=2, no_above=0.85, keep_n=5000) # Create the bag-of-words format (list of (token_id, token_count)) corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts] NMF_models = {} NMF_topics = {} # Iterate through possible topic numbers and make models for each for i in topic_nums: NMF_models[i] = nmf.Nmf( corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=i, chunksize=2000, passes=20, random_state=42, ) shown_topics = NMF_models[i].show_topics( num_topics=i, num_words=15, formatted=False ) NMF_topics[i] = [ [word[0] for word in topic[1]] for topic in shown_topics ] # Measure Jaccard similarity between topics # Verify that these scores are low, i.e. topics are distinct NMF_stability = {} for i in range(0, len(topic_nums) - 1): jaccard_sims = [] for _, topic1 in enumerate(NMF_topics[topic_nums[i]]): sims = [] for _, topic2 in enumerate(NMF_topics[topic_nums[i + 1]]): sims.append(self._jaccard_similarity(topic1, topic2)) jaccard_sims.append(sims) NMF_stability[topic_nums[i]] = jaccard_sims mean_stabilities = [ np.array(NMF_stability[i]).mean() for i in topic_nums[:-1] ] # Measure coherence scores # Verify these are high, i.e. important words in topics appear consistently together in the texts coherences = [ CoherenceModel( model=NMF_models[i], texts=texts, dictionary=dictionary, coherence="c_v", ).get_coherence() for i in topic_nums[:-1] ] coh_sta_diffs = [ coherences[i] - mean_stabilities[i] for i in range(len(topic_nums[:-1]))[:-1] ] coh_sta_max = max(coh_sta_diffs) coh_sta_max_idxs = [ i for i, j in enumerate(coh_sta_diffs) if j == coh_sta_max ] ideal_topic_num_index = coh_sta_max_idxs[0] chosen_num_topics = topic_nums[ideal_topic_num_index] model = NMF(n_components=chosen_num_topics, random_state=42) component_loadings = model.transform(vectors) top_topics = pd.DataFrame( np.argmax(component_loadings, axis=1), columns=["top_topic_num"] ) top_topics["second_topic"] = (-component_loadings).argsort(axis=1)[:, 1] top_topics["third_topic"] = (-component_loadings).argsort(axis=1)[:, 2] top_topic_loading = pd.DataFrame( np.max(component_loadings, axis=1), columns=["top_topic_loading"] ) X.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=False) vector_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # Fix for duplicate text_column_name vector_df.columns = [x + "_vector" for x in vector_df.columns] combined_df = pd.concat([X, vector_df, top_topics, top_topic_loading], axis=1) combined_df.sort_values(by="top_topic_loading", ascending=False, inplace=True) combined_df = pd.concat([X, vector_df, top_topics], axis=1) topic_words = {} sample_texts_lst = [] for topic, comp in enumerate(model.components_): word_idx = np.argsort(comp)[::-1][:num_examples] topic_words[topic] = [vocab[i] for i in word_idx] examples_lst = [ x for x in list( combined_df[combined_df["top_topic_num"] == topic][ text_column_name ].values ) if topic_words[topic][0] in x or topic_words[topic][1] in x or topic_words[topic][2] in x or topic_words[topic][3] in x or topic_words[topic][4] in x ] # If not enough examples, check for second, third, etc. topic loading if len(examples_lst) < num_examples: extra_examples_lst_2 = [ x for x in list( combined_df[combined_df["second_topic"] == topic][ text_column_name ].values ) if topic_words[topic][0] in x or topic_words[topic][1] in x or topic_words[topic][2] in x or topic_words[topic][3] in x or topic_words[topic][4] in x ] examples_lst.extend(extra_examples_lst_2) # If not enough examples still, check for third topic loading if len(examples_lst) < num_examples: extra_examples_lst_3 = [ x for x in list( combined_df[combined_df["third_topic"] == topic][ text_column_name ].values ) if topic_words[topic][0] in x or topic_words[topic][1] in x or topic_words[topic][2] in x or topic_words[topic][3] in x or topic_words[topic][4] in x ] examples_lst.extend(extra_examples_lst_3) # Append examples that have one of the top keywords in topic sample_texts_lst.append(examples_lst[:num_examples]) topic_words_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "topic_num", "num_in_category", "top_words_and_phrases", "sample_texts", ] ) topic_words_df["topic_num"] = [k for k, _ in topic_words.items()] topic_words_df["num_in_category"] = ( combined_df.groupby("top_topic_num").count().iloc[:, 0] ) topic_words_df["top_words_and_phrases"] = [x for x in topic_words.values()] topic_words_df["sample_texts"] = sample_texts_lst topic_words_explode = pd.DataFrame( topic_words_df["sample_texts"].tolist(), index=topic_words_df.index, ) topic_words_explode.columns = [ "example{}".format(num) for num in range(len(topic_words_explode.columns)) ] all_topics = pd.concat( [ topic_words_df[ ["topic_num", "num_in_category", "top_words_and_phrases"] ], topic_words_explode, ], axis=1, ) print("Topics created with top words & example texts:") print(all_topics) original_plus_topics = combined_df[list(X.columns) + ["index", "top_topic_num"]] original_with_keywords = pd.merge( original_plus_topics, all_topics[["topic_num", "top_words_and_phrases"]], left_on="top_topic_num", right_on="topic_num", how="left", )[[text_column_name, "topic_num", "top_words_and_phrases"]] all_topics.sort_values(by="num_in_category", ascending=False, inplace=True) return ( all_topics, original_with_keywords, model, )
[docs] def coefficients_graph( self, X_train, X_test, model, model_type, filename="shap_graph", path="../images/", multiclass=False, y_test=None, ): """ Displays graph of feature importances. * Number of horizontal axis indicates magnitude of effect on target variable (e.g. affected by 0.25) * Red/blue indicates feature value (increasing or decreasing feature has _ effect) * Blue & red mixed together indicate there isn't a clear effect on the target variable * For classification - interpreting magnitude number / x axis - changes the predicted probability of y on average by _ percentage points (axis value * 100) Parameters -------- X_train: pd.DataFrame X_test: pd.DataFrame model: fit model object model_type: str 'classification' or 'regression' filename: str multiclass: bool y_test: pd.DataFrame Only needed for multiclass models """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) med = X_train.median().values.reshape((1, X_train.shape[1])) # Runs too slow if X_test is huge, take a representative sample if X_test.shape[0] > 1000: X_test_sample = X_test.sample(1000) else: X_test_sample = X_test if multiclass: lst_all_shap_values = [] for class_num in range(len(y_test.columns)): f = lambda x: model.predict_proba(x)[class_num][:, 1] explainer = shap.KernelExplainer(f, med) shap_values = explainer.shap_values(X_test_sample) lst_all_shap_values.append(shap_values) class_name = y_test.columns[class_num] print(f"SHAP Summary Plot for Class: {class_name}") shap.summary_plot(shap_values, X_test_sample) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(f"{path}{class_name}_{filename}.png") return np.array(lst_all_shap_values) elif model_type.lower() == "classification": f = lambda x: model.predict_proba(x)[:, 1] else: f = lambda x: model.predict(x) explainer = shap.KernelExplainer(f, med) shap_values = explainer.shap_values(X_test_sample) shap.summary_plot(shap_values, X_test_sample) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(f"{path}_{filename}.png") return shap_values
[docs] def most_common_words_by_group( self, X, text_col_name, group_col_name, num_examples, num_times_min, min_ngram, ): """ Get the most commons phrases for defined groups. Parameters -------- X: DataFrame text_col_name: str group_col_name: str num_examples: int Number of text examples to include per group num_times_min: int Minimum number of times word/phrase must appear in texts min_ngram: int Returns -------- overall_counts_df: DataFrame Has groups, top words, and counts """ # Fix for when column name is the same as an ngram column name X["group_column"] = X[group_col_name] # Remove all other unneeded columns X = X[[text_col_name, "group_column"]] all_stop_words = ( set(ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) | set(["-PRON-"]) | set(string.punctuation) | set([" "]) ) cv = CountVectorizer( stop_words=all_stop_words, ngram_range=(min_ngram, 3), min_df=num_times_min, max_df=0.4, ) vectors = cv.fit_transform(X[text_col_name]).todense() words = list(cv.get_feature_names_out()) vectors_df = pd.DataFrame(vectors, columns=words) group_plus_vectors = pd.concat([vectors_df, X.reset_index(drop=False)], axis=1) count_words = pd.DataFrame( group_plus_vectors.groupby("group_column").count()["index"] ) count_words = count_words.loc[:, ~count_words.columns.duplicated()] # Fix for when "count" is an ngram column count_words.columns = ["count_ngrams"] group_plus_vectors = group_plus_vectors.merge( count_words, on="group_column", how="left" ) group_plus_vectors["count_ngrams"].fillna(0, inplace=True) sums_by_col = ( group_plus_vectors[ group_plus_vectors.columns[ ~group_plus_vectors.columns.isin( [ text_col_name, "index", ] ) ] ] .groupby("group_column") .sum() ) sums_by_col.sort_values(by="count_ngrams", ascending=False, inplace=True) sums_by_col.drop("count_ngrams", axis=1, inplace=True) array_sums = np.array(sums_by_col) sums_values_descending = -np.sort(-array_sums, axis=1) sums_indices_descending = (-array_sums).argsort() highest_sum = pd.DataFrame(sums_values_descending[:, 0]) highest_sum.columns = ["highest_sum"] sums_by_col["highest_sum"] = highest_sum["highest_sum"].values overall_counts_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["group_name", "top_words_and_counts"]) i = 0 for row in sums_by_col.index: dict_scores = {} temp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["group_name", "top_words_and_counts"]) temp_df["group_name"] = [row] top_columns = sums_by_col.columns[ sums_indices_descending[i][:num_examples] ].values top_counts = sums_values_descending[i][:num_examples] [dict_scores.update({x: y}) for x, y in zip(top_columns, top_counts)] temp_df["top_words_and_counts"] = [dict_scores] overall_counts_df = overall_counts_df.append([temp_df]) print(f"Group Name: {row}\n") for k, v in dict_scores.items(): print(k, v) print("\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n") i += 1 return overall_counts_df
[docs] def score_final_model( self, model_type, X_test, y_test, trained_model, csv_file_name="final_model_results", multiclass=False, ): """ Score your model on the test dataset. Only run this once to get an idea of how your model will perform in realtime. Run it after you have chosen your model & parameters to avoid problems with overfitting. Parameters -------- model_type: str X_test: DataFrame y_test: DataFrame trained_model: sklearn model multiclass: bool csv_file_name: str Returns -------- model: model Fit model y_predicted: array """ set_config(print_changed_only=True) cleaned_date = (" ", "seconds").replace(" ", "-") ) # Predict actual scores y_predicted = trained_model.predict(X_test) if multiclass: pscore = round(precision_score(y_test, y_predicted, average="weighted"), 7) rscore = round(recall_score(y_test, y_predicted, average="weighted"), 7) ascore = round(accuracy_score(y_test, y_predicted), 7) f1score = round(f1_score(y_test, y_predicted, average="weighted"), 7) temp_df = pd.DataFrame( [ [ trained_model, pscore, rscore, ascore, f1score, ] ], columns=[ "model", "precision", "recall", "accuracy", "f1", ], ) with open( f"{'/'.join(csv_file_name.split('/')[:-1])}/model_scoring_crosstabs_{cleaned_date}.txt", "w", ) as f: print(f"Model: {trained_model}", file=f) print("\n", file=f) print("Overall scores:", file=f) print("\n", file=f) print( tabulate( temp_df[ [ "precision", "recall", "accuracy", "f1", ] ], headers="keys", tablefmt="pipe", numalign="left", showindex=False, ), file=f, ) print("\n", file=f) # Precision / recall / f1-score for each predicted class report_df = ( pd.DataFrame( classification_report( y_test, y_predicted, target_names=y_test.columns, output_dict=True, ) ) .transpose() .drop(["micro avg", "macro avg", "weighted avg", "samples avg"]) .drop("support", axis=1) ) print( tabulate( report_df, headers="keys", tablefmt="pipe", numalign="left", ), file=f, ) print("\n", file=f) # Counts of predicted vs actuals + true vs false confusion_matrix = multilabel_confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predicted) matrix_dfs = [ pd.DataFrame( matrix, columns=["Predicted False", "Predicted True"], index=["Actual False", "Actual True"], ) for matrix in confusion_matrix ] # Print separately so class name gets printed cleanly first for i in range(len(y_test.columns)): print(y_test.columns[i], file=f) print( tabulate( matrix_dfs[i], headers="keys", tablefmt="pipe", numalign="left", ), file=f, ) print("\n", file=f) elif model_type.lower() == "classification": pscore = round(precision_score(y_test, y_predicted), 7) rscore = round(recall_score(y_test, y_predicted), 7) ascore = round(accuracy_score(y_test, y_predicted), 7) f1score = round(f1_score(y_test, y_predicted), 7) temp_df = pd.DataFrame( [ [ trained_model, pscore, rscore, ascore, f1score, ] ], columns=[ "model", "precision", "recall", "accuracy", "f1", ], ) with open( f"{'/'.join(csv_file_name.split('/')[:-1])}/model_scoring_crosstabs_{cleaned_date}.txt", "w", ) as f: print(f"Model: {trained_model}", file=f) print("\n", file=f) print("Overall scores:", file=f) print("\n", file=f) print( tabulate( temp_df[ [ "precision", "recall", "accuracy", "f1", ] ], headers="keys", tablefmt="pipe", numalign="left", showindex=False, ), file=f, ) print("\n", file=f) crosstab = pd.crosstab( np.array(y_test), y_predicted, ) class_values = crosstab.columns crosstab.columns = [f"Predicted {val}" for val in class_values] crosstab.index = [f"Actual {val}" for val in class_values] print( tabulate( crosstab, headers="keys", tablefmt="pipe", numalign="left", ), file=f, ) print("\n", file=f) sum_crosstab = crosstab.to_numpy().sum() prop_crosstab = pd.crosstab( np.array(y_test), y_predicted, ).apply(lambda r: round(r / sum_crosstab, 3)) class_values = prop_crosstab.columns prop_crosstab.columns = [f"Predicted {val}" for val in class_values] prop_crosstab.index = [f"Actual {val}" for val in class_values] print( tabulate( prop_crosstab, headers="keys", tablefmt="pipe", numalign="left", ), file=f, ) else: mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_predicted) mae = median_absolute_error(y_test, y_predicted) r2 = round(r2_score(y_test, y_predicted), 7) temp_df = pd.DataFrame( [ [ trained_model, round((mse ** 5) * -1, 7), round((mae * -1), 7), r2, ] ], columns=["model", "negative_rmse", "negative_mae", "r2"], ) temp_df["timestamp"] = cleaned_date try: previous_df = pd.read_csv(f"{csv_file_name}.csv") if temp_df.shape[1] != previous_df.shape[1]: print( f"""Unable to save csv because columns do not match. The existing model results csv has these columns: {previous_df.columns}. The new model results csv has these columns: {temp_df.columns}.""" ) return trained_model, y_predicted final_model_results_df = pd.concat([previous_df, temp_df], axis=0) final_model_results_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) except Exception: final_model_results_df = temp_df final_model_results_df = final_model_results_df.reindex( sorted(final_model_results_df.columns), axis=1 ) with open(f"{csv_file_name}.csv", "w") as csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",") csvwriter.writerow(final_model_results_df.columns) for _, row in final_model_results_df.iterrows(): csvwriter.writerow(row) return trained_model, y_predicted
[docs] def coefficients_summary( self, X, y, num_repetitions, num_coefficients, model_type, multiclass=False, ): """ Prints average coefficient values using a regression model. Parameters -------- X: DataFrame y: DataFrame num_repetitions: int Number of times to create models num_coefficients: int Number of top coefficients to display model_type: str 'classification' or 'regression' multiclass: bool Returns -------- simplified_df: DataFrame Has mean, median, and standard deviation for coefficients after several runs """ coefficients_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["coeff", "pvals", "conf_lower", "conf_higher"] ) X["intercept"] = 1 for _ in range(num_repetitions): X_train, _, y_train, _ = train_test_split(X, y) # Fix for Singular matrix error vt = VarianceThreshold(0) cols_to_keep = X_train.columns[np.where(vt.get_support() == True)].values X_train = X_train[cols_to_keep] if multiclass: model = sm.MNLogit( np.array(y_train.astype(float)), X_train.astype(float) ) elif model_type.lower() == "classification": model = sm.Logit(np.array(y_train.astype(float)), X_train.astype(float)) else: model = sm.OLS(np.array(y_train.astype(float)), X_train.astype(float)) results = features = results.params.index if multiclass: pvals = [x[0] for x in results.pvalues.values] coeff = [x[0] for x in results.params.values] conf_lower = results.conf_int()["lower"].values conf_higher = results.conf_int()["upper"].values else: pvals = results.pvalues.values coeff = results.params.values conf_lower = results.conf_int()[0] conf_higher = results.conf_int()[1] temp_df = pd.DataFrame( { "features": features, "pvals": pvals, "coeff": coeff, "conf_lower": conf_lower, "conf_higher": conf_higher, } ) temp_df = temp_df[ ["features", "coeff", "pvals", "conf_lower", "conf_higher"] ].reset_index(drop=True) coefficients_df = coefficients_df.append(temp_df) summary_coefficients_df = pd.DataFrame( coefficients_df.groupby("features").agg( [ "mean", "median", ] ) ).reset_index(drop=False) summary_coefficients_df.columns = [ "_".join(col) for col in summary_coefficients_df.columns ] summary_coefficients_df.sort_values("pvals_mean", inplace=True, ascending=True) simplified_df = summary_coefficients_df.head(num_coefficients).round(3) print("Coefficients summary (descending by mean abs se value):") print(simplified_df) return simplified_df
[docs] def coefficients_individual_predictions( self, model, df, X_train, X_test, id_col, num_id_examples, num_feature_examples, model_type, class_names=["False", "True"], path="../images/", ): """ Uses LIME to inspect an individual prediction and the features that influenced that prediction. Parameters -------- model: sklearn model df: pd.DataFrame Used for getting ids since they aren't typically in training data X_train: pd.DataFrame X_test: pd.DataFrame id_col: str num_id_examples: int num_feature_examples: int model_type: str 'classification' or 'regression' class_names: str path: str Returns -------- features: list """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def model_preds_adjusted(data): if model_type.lower() == "classification": predictions = np.array(model.predict_proba(data)) else: predictions = np.array(model.predict(data)) return predictions if model_type.lower() == "classification": explainer = lime.lime_tabular.LimeTabularExplainer( np.array(X_train), feature_names=X_train.columns, class_names=class_names, mode="classification", ) else: explainer = lime.lime_tabular.LimeTabularExplainer( np.array(X_train), feature_names=X_train.columns, class_names=class_names, mode="regression", ) for _ in range(num_id_examples): row_idx = random.sample(list(X_test.index), 1)[0] exp = explainer.explain_instance( np.array(X_test.loc[row_idx]), model_preds_adjusted, # Include all features num_features=len(X_train.columns), # Include all classes top_labels=len(class_names), ) if model_type.lower() == "classification": prediction = class_names[ model.predict_proba(pd.DataFrame(X_test.loc[row_idx]).T).argmax() ] else: prediction = round( model.predict(pd.DataFrame(X_test.loc[row_idx]).T)[0], 7 ) unique_id = df.loc[row_idx][id_col] print(f"\nID: {unique_id}") print(f"Prediction: {prediction}\n\n") exp_list_all = exp.as_list() raw_features = [x[0] for x in exp_list_all] raw_values = [x[1] for x in exp_list_all] cleaned_features = [] for feature in exp_list_all: try: feature_name = re.findall("<.*<|>.*>", feature[0])[0] except Exception: feature_name = re.findall(".*<|.*>", feature[0])[0] cleaned_feature_name = ( feature_name.replace("<=", "") .replace(">=", "") .replace("<", "") .replace(">", "") .strip() ) cleaned_features.append(cleaned_feature_name) all_feature_types = X_test.dtypes top_feature_types = [ all_feature_types[feature] for feature in cleaned_features ] top_features_with_types = [ [raw_feature, cleaned_feature, feature_type, raw_value] for raw_feature, cleaned_feature, feature_type, raw_value in zip( raw_features, cleaned_features, top_feature_types, raw_values ) ] i = 0 for ( raw_feature, cleaned_feature, feature_type, raw_value, ) in top_features_with_types: if i > num_feature_examples: break actual_feature_val = X_test.loc[row_idx][cleaned_feature] # Things that decrease the likelihood of this class are less interesting if raw_value < 0: pass # Note: uint8 is a bool # False bools aren't super interesting elif feature_type == "uint8" and actual_feature_val == 0: pass # Phrase true bools slightly differently elif feature_type == "uint8": print(f"For this id, {cleaned_feature} was true.") print( f"When {cleaned_feature} is true, this increases the likelihood of prediction: {prediction}." ) print("\n--------\n") i += 1 else: print(f"For this id, {cleaned_feature} was {actual_feature_val}.\n") print( f"When {raw_feature}, this increases the likelihood of prediction: {prediction}." ) print("\n--------\n") i += 1 print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") fig = plt.figure() # Up the image quality to avoid pixelated graphs plt.rc("savefig", dpi=300) # Limit to top features that can fit cleanly on graph exp_list_graph = exp.as_list()[:20] vals = [x[1] for x in exp_list_graph] # Some labels are really long, shortening them a bit names = [x[0][:40] for x in exp_list_graph] vals.reverse() names.reverse() colors = ["green" if x > 0 else "red" for x in vals] pos = np.arange(len(exp_list_graph)) + 0.5 plt.barh(pos, vals, align="center", color=colors) plt.yticks(pos, names) title = f"id: {unique_id} - Prediction: {prediction}" plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout() # Need bbox to make sure title isn't cut off plt.savefig( f"../images/lime_graph_id_{unique_id}.png", bbox_inches="tight", facecolor="white", ) return exp_list_all
[docs] def get_tree_diagram(self, model, X_train, path="../images/"): """ Save a diagram of a trained DecisionTree model Parameters -------- model: sklearn model (trained) X_train: pd.DataFrame path: str """ # Exporting text form of decision tree dot_data = export_graphviz( model, out_file=f"{path}", feature_names=X_train.columns, filled=True, rounded=True, special_characters=True, ) graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data) # Converting text to a visual png file os.system(f"dot -Tpng {path} -o {path}decision-tree.png") # If the file didn't write, try reinstalling graphviz if not os.path.exists(f"{path}decision-tree.png"): os.system("brew install graphviz") os.system(f"dot -Tpng {path} -o {path}decision-tree.png") return graph